How has Kosovo changed four months on from Olympic acceptance?

How has Kosovo changed four months on from Olympic acceptance?

For all the bluster and triumphalism of the 40 Agenda 2020 recommendations unanimously passed in Monte Carlo on December 8, it has not escaped the notice of many that, with the possible exception of the Olympic TV Channel, few concrete and definite changes have yet occurred in Thomas Bach’s era of reform.

The decision taken the following day during that International Olympic Committee (IOC) Session to recognise the membership of Kosovo was therefore perhaps the biggest accomplishment so far of the Bachean era. For it was a choice that could have sparked a political maelstrom but seems to have passed with, if not unanimous approval, than more or less universal grudging acceptance.

The background to the decision was complex and our analysis here last year delves only some way into the fascinating blend of history, international relations and sports politics required to come close to understanding the factors at play.