altOCTOBER 30 - SEBASTIAN COE (pictured) is to speak at a special conference being staged by the Cyprus Olympic Committee in Larnaca to discuss preparations for London 2012.


The chairman for London 2012 will be the key-note speaker at the two-day technical seminar of the European Olympic Committees (EOC), which opens tomorrow.

He will give a lecture on “From talents to medals - Planning for the sport technical programme to London 2012 and beyond”.


Among the issues which will be examined are the results of the Beijing Olympic Games 2008 in comparison to Athens 2004.


The seminar will also address the Olympic Solidarity Scholarship Programme, evaluate the programme for European National Olympic Committees and discuss whether Olympic performance in Europe is still in the lead.

The seminar will also look into planning programmes through the eyes of an athlete, as well as innovations and technology in elite sports and new ways of cooperation with other partners in society.


More than 75 delegates from 38 countries are expected to attend the event.