JUNE 30 - LONDON 2012 is not setting high sustainability targets and should be more eco-friendly, a new report published today claimed.


 A London Assembly Environment Committee report urged the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) to aim for a zero carbon and waste Games with more use of renewable energy such as wind turbines, biomass and waste to energy.


The report calls for more specific targets for waste minimisation, promoting reuse, recycling and the recovery of materials.


The Committee report said: "While good work has been done to reduce carbon emissions, the Committee expresses concern that the carbon strategy is not yet finished and that this may result in missed opportunities."


And creating a waste infrastructure for the Games should be used as the basis for permanent waste recycling for the whole of the East London as a lasting benefit from the Games.


Darren Johnson, a member of the Green Party who is the chairman of the Committee said: "Over £9.3billion of public money is being spent to prepare for and stage the 2012 Games- so it is vital that this funding provides an environmentally sustainable legacy.


"Every effort must now be taken to make the most of opportunities and realise the vision of the most eco-friendly Games ever."

The report did praise, however, the ODA's record on construction waste minimisation and recycling so far as "significant success story".