Name: Chris Miller

From: Louisville, USA

How long have you been collecting?
 2 years

How many pins do you own?
 About 30

Chris Miller_-_pinsI was attending the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, and was on a ferry heading over to North Vancouver to go to Whistler to watch the luge competition.

I had on a knit cap with the logo of a local university (the University of Kentucky). Then one of my fellow passengers came up to me and asked if I was from Kentucky, and I said yes. It turned out he was there as part of a student media group from Asbury College (a private school near UK here in Kentucky).

He said he wished he had a cameraman with him so that he could interview me, but what he did do was give me two of his pins - one was an NBC/Asbury College pin, and the other one was for the OBS (Olympic Broadcasting Service).

My favourite of the two is the OBS one; it's a pretty nicely detailed video camera with the OBS logo on it. And I got it just for wearing the right hat!