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Commonwealth Games Value Framework

The Commonwealth Games Value Framework offers six "critical success factors" to hosting the Commonwealth Games. 

It recommends that they "should be seen as a driver with the potential to influence a city's wider long term strategy, not a stand-alone event".  

Benefits and legacies should be part of the Games plan from the outset. The Framework emphasises the importance of harnessing the "feel good" factor by placing local communities at the heart of the Games. 

Organisers should also use what are described as "Games assets" across host city communities. 

This include the Queen's Baton Relay before the Games, the ceremonies, volunteers, the athletes and cultural festivals. 

All of these can "drive social and community benefits and shared experiences that enhance social cohesion".

The Framework is a detailed study and was created by PricewaterhouseCoopers in conjunction with the vision set out by the Commonwealth Games to "use sport to create peaceful, sustainable and prosperous communities across the Commonwealth".

Conceived to support the Commonwealth Games Federation's "Transformation 2022" plan, it recognises the importance of "demonstrating the positive impact of sport on society". It also draws attention to benefits that are not always immediately apparent.

The 2002 Commonwealth Games in Manchester were pivotal to the city's regeneration ©Getty Images
The 2002 Commonwealth Games in Manchester were pivotal to the city's regeneration ©Getty Images

The study closely examines Commonwealth Games staged since 2000 and shows how they can be used as a part of wider city development.

It highlights how, in the decades before Manchester 2002, the eastern part of the city had suffered from high unemployment, social exclusion and crime. The Games then acted as a catalyst for regeneration.

The report suggests that "local residents began to see the Games as part of a wider regeneration plan" in Manchester.

After Manchester 2002, city council chief executive Howard Bernstein said:

"If we didn't have the Commonwealth Games in Manchester, the regeneration would be 20 years behind."

The main athletics stadium, part of a £234 million investment in sporting venues, was later leased to Premier League club Manchester City, an arrangement which then encouraged further investment from the United Arab Emirates.

For 2006, the "in demand" Melbourne Cricket Ground was increased in capacity with 30,000 seats and the aquatics centre became a public facility as part of big investment to sporting facilities. 

It was a similar story with the Chris Hoy Velodrome in Glasgow, which was in public use with 5.4 million visitors in the two years before the 2014 Games.

Gold Coast's investment in its sporting infrastructure for 2018 left the area with "availability of stadia for elite events and public use" and Brisbane and Queensland have now been named as the preferred candidate for the 2032 Summer Olympics.

The athletes' living quarters in Melbourne and Glasgow were turned into social housing while investment in the Athletes' Village in Gold Coast led to more than 1,250 apartments and townhouses offered for long term rent.

Other social benefits highlighted in the report include Glasgow's acclaimed partnership with UNICEF, which generated more than £6 million and has helped children in 52 Commonwealth Nations.

An acclaimed partnership with UNICEF was part of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games ©Getty Images
An acclaimed partnership with UNICEF was part of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games ©Getty Images

Gold Coast 2018 featured a training programme initiated by the host broadcasters, which involved almost 1,000 students and young professionals.

The Games have generated between 13,000 and 23,000 full time employment years, before, during and after the Games.

Organisers also initiated a Reconciliation Action Plan in Gold Coast which prioritised "relationships, respect and opportunities". This aimed to build stronger links with indigenous groups and offered training, employment and business development.

At Glasgow 2014, 50,000 people applied to become "Clyde-sider" volunteers and 12,000 were selected.

The report said that "Clyde-siders believe that volunteering has increased their confidence, knowledge and skills in addition to playing a role in showcasing Glasgow and enhancing the city’s reputation".

The report recommended that "early engagement and community building activities" had been critical to success.

It was a similar story in Manchester, Melbourne and Gold Coast where the study revealed a willingness among volunteers to repeat the experience.

The report highlighted how hosting the Games "can inspire community pride and confidence" and even encourage citizens to use public transport more readily.