Vanesa Kaladzinskaya of Belarus starred on day four in Paris ©UWW


Vanesa Kaladzinskaya landed a late four-point throw to beat Japan's Mayu Mukaida in the 53kg final ©UWW
Vanesa Kaladzinskaya landed a late four-point throw to beat Japan's Mayu Mukaida in the 53kg final ©UWW
The victory for the Belarusian ended Japanese hopes of a clean sweep on day four ©UWW
The victory for the Belarusian ended Japanese hopes of a clean sweep on day four ©UWW
Japan's Sara Dosho added the world title to the Olympic gold medal she won in Rio by topping the 69kg podium ©UWW
Japan's Sara Dosho added the world title to the Olympic gold medal she won in Rio by topping the 69kg podium ©UWW
Dosho looked shaky early on but eventually found her form on her way to victory ©UWW
Dosho looked shaky early on but eventually found her form on her way to victory ©UWW
Olympic champion Risako Kawai dominated her 60kg final with Allison Ragan of the United States ©UWW
Olympic champion Risako Kawai dominated her 60kg final with Allison Ragan of the United States ©UWW
Kawai celebrated by running around the mat draped in a Japanese flag ©UWW
Kawai celebrated by running around the mat draped in a Japanese flag ©UWW
Yui Susaki was the other Japanese wrestler to claim a gold medal on the fourth day of competition ©UWW
Yui Susaki was the other Japanese wrestler to claim a gold medal on the fourth day of competition ©UWW
Susaki clinched her first major international title at senior level with victory over Emilia Vuc in the 48kg final ©UWW
Susaki clinched her first major international title at senior level with victory over Emilia Vuc in the 48kg final ©UWW
Koumba Larroque won France's first medal of the Championships with bronze in the 69kg event ©UWW
Koumba Larroque won France's first medal of the Championships with bronze in the 69kg event ©UWW