altJULY 7 - THOUSANDS of Amnesty International supporters are expected to turn up in London on Saturday to protest about Beijing hosting the Olympics.



It will be one of 20 events held across the world to publicise the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), as a reminder to the Chinese authorities of their human rights promises, Amnesty International said.


“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Olympic values aspire to a world where the dignity and fundamental rights of all individuals are respected without discrimination,” said Amnesty International.


"Seven years ago, the Chinese authorities promised the Olympics would bring improvement for people’s human rights but instead repression of activists and journalists has continued because of the Olympics."


“We are circling up in solidarity with human rights activists in China who have been silenced and cleared out of sight as the Games draw closer.


"We urge thousands of people to join together across the world to remind the Chinese authorities of their promises.


"From Kathmandu to Tel-Aviv and Mexico, thousands of people will join together to form images of words such as 'Freedom', 'Dignity' and 'Justice' representing the principles of the UDHR. 



"In Athens - where the central event will take place -- Amnesty International’s supporters will call on the Chinese authorities to deliver a positive human rights legacy for the Beijing Olympics."