The MOC helped to stage the level one weightlifting coaching course ©MOC

The Malawi Olympic Commission (MOC) and the Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Association of Malawi partnered the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) in staging its first level one coaching course.

It was led by IWF instructor Ervin Rozsnyik, a Serbian, and was held over the course of a week.

Rozsnyik said that the programme focused on developing the participant's kinesiology, exercise prescription, auxiliary lifts and exercises as well as other aspects like the Olympic pull exercise.

MOC President Jappie Mhango remarked that this course was staged in the hope of improving the standard of the sport in the country.

"The Coaches who attended the course will be instrumental in spreading the sport nationwide," MOC President Jappie Mhango said during an interview.

IWF instructor Ervin Rozsnyik, second to right, oversaw participants taking part in the weightlifting training ©MOC
IWF instructor Ervin Rozsnyik, second to right, oversaw participants taking part in the weightlifting training ©MOC

"The sport has been stagnating for years.

"As MOC, we want Weightlifting to develop because it is an Olympic sport with potential to win medals.

"The participants showed commitment and enthusiasm throughout the Course.

"They worked hard.

"I am optimistic that weightlifting will not be the same again."